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Potcakes Are Showing Up Everywhere


Potcake EARS participants who volunteered their location are living across the United States, Canada, the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, and Germany.
Most of the Potcake EARS participants are living in the United States, and among the states Florida leads the pack, with significant numbers also in Georgia, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maryland, California, Connecticut, Colorado and Illinois. Next states with at least a couple of Potcake EARS participants are South Carolina, Michigan, Tennessee, Indiana, Minnesota, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Maine, Vermont, Delaware and Wisconsin. The following states each have at least one potcake in the study: Kentucky, Louisiana, South Dakota, Utah, North Carolina, Missouri, Iowa and Texas.

​In Canada, Ontario has the most potcakes by far in the study, followed by British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia, and Quebec.

Potcake EARS participants living in the Bahamas are rather evenly dispersed across Paradise Island, The Abacos, Grand Bahama Island, New Providence, The Exumas, and Harbour Island.

Potcake participants also live in the Turks and Caicos, an autonomous British Overseas Territory near the Bahamas. Turk and Caicos are also the most popular names of our potcake study participants.
At least one Potcake EARS Participant lives in Germany.

If your potcake participated in the study and you want to be sure your location is registered, please contact us.

Here are some statements -- including a few heartwarming stories -- taken directly from questionnaires as to where people got their potcake pets:
- Sayreville Animal Shelter located in NJ. He was transported from Turks and Caicos. Rescued off the streets 1/16/12.
- May, 2010. Marsh harbour, Abaco
- Nassau, Bahamas
- April, 2011. Warren, ri.
- Turks & Caicos Islands
- Palm Beach Int'l Airport- West Palm Bch, FL
- August 2010
Marsh Harbor, Abaco; The Bahamas
- Warm Hearts Pets Rescue, Boynton Beach
- March 7, 2012 Boynton Beach FL
- January 2011, North Shore Animal League, Long Island, NY
- March 2009
- Adopted at 4 months
- All from Grenada, WI
- dec. 27, 2002 treasure cay ferry landing
- September, 2002, Marsh Harbour, Abaco
- was born in my yard
- Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas; 4/17/01
- August 2005 Abaco, Bahamas
- July 2007, Royal Potcake Rescue, Atlanta Georgia
- Nassau, N.P. 2004
- From Eluthura. April 17, 2012
- Sayreville Pet Adoption Center, Sayreville NJ
- August 2010
- January 2011, North Shore Animal League. Rescued from Cayman Islands.
- Bahamas from, when she was 4 months
- Turks and Caicos, adopting in CT from our vet
- I adopted her as a 10-week-old from Dr. Larry Reed of Westchester Animal Clinic, who travels regularly to the Bahamas to work with the feral potcake population.
- Eleuthera, Bahamas
- Feb 2012 Turks and Caicos
- Atlanta Humane Society
- We got Jenny in Oct. 2011 from the Atlanta Humane Society. Jenny had been at the shelter 3 months when we got her. She was terrified of people and cowered in the corner. No one was able to touch her. I knew Jenny deserved a chance. I could see it in her eyes that she had potential.
- Sept 2007 from Potcake Place, TCI
- Jan 2012, Turks and Caicos, TCSPCA
- May 23, 2011 from Atlanta Humane Society
- 2004 Cocodimamma resort in eleuthera, Bahamas
- Marsh Harbor Abaco- 12 years ago
- Marley-as a puppy
Gilligan-at 2 years
Both from the Bahamas.
- Treasure Cay - January 2012
- From Jill in St catharines 1 week ago
- April 2007 Potcake Place Providenciales, Turks & Caicos
- Dec 1, 2011 - TCI - Potcake Place
- harbour island,Bahamas
15 yrs ago
- 2 Years ago foster mom
- 6 months ago
foster mom
- turks and caicos August 2011
- May 2010 at Petsmart in Atlanta (Judy Marshall)
- May 2010 at Petsmart in Atlanta (Judy Marshall)
- april 2011 Bahamas Humane Society
- Treasure Coast Humane Society
Stuart, Fl
- Treasure Coast Humane Society
- Great Exuma, Bahamas in December of 2007
- Anguilla 03/2011
- January 2012 from Warm Hearts Pet Rescue via the Bahamas
- I got her in Sept, 2011.
- We found her on December 31, 2010, on the south beach of the West End at Old Bahama Bay. We think she was about 6 weeks old.
- March 2008; Adopted from RPR; rescued from Marsh Harbour Dump
- Turks and Caicos at the Potcake Place
- through molly roberts in abaco in 2005
- through molly roberts in abaco in 2004
- January 19, 2012 - Treasure/Cooperstown
- Turks and Caicos June 2010
- from an animal shelter in Ny they said he came from the caicos islands
- I adopted her in April of 2010. She was on a flight out of the Bahamas funded by the Kohn Foundation. She flew to Boston and I picked her up there.
- July 2011, Potcake Place, Provodenciales
- Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands
- We got him in February 2010, from Potcake Place in the Turks and Caicos.
- Adopted from Potcake Place in Providenciales, T&C. I drove to Miami to meet up with a courier who flew her to the mainland.
- October 2009. Provodenciales, Turks and Caicos.
- August 2006. Provodenciales, Turks and Caicos.
- January 2009
- August 25, 2011 Turks and Caicos Islands
- Nassau, Bahamas February 2007
- March 2010 from the Islands of Turks and Caicos
- Off the streets of Nassau
- Jan 2012 - from The Bahamas
- March 2008, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos.
- December 2007 in Turks & Caicos, where we still live.
- July, 2011
- August 2009. Turks and Caicos
- Found her shuffling along the road, October 15th, 2010.
- 2010 from Humane Society of Grand Bahama
- Nov 2008 Grand Bahama Humane Society
- Grand Bahama Island, November 2010
- August 2011
- August 2010 from Royal Potcake Rescue
- Feb 2009 royal potcake rescue GA
- Riggs...Nov.2010 Grand Bahama Humane Society
Leggs...Oct.2011 GBHS
- Atlanta March 2011
- Royal Bahamas. Adopted June 2007. Born Jan 2007. Adopted from Bideawee in NYC.
- turks and caicos, aug 2010
- Abaco/Treasure Cay 7 years ago
- Abaco/Treasure Cay
- January 2007
- Electra 2004 Nov in Marsh Harbor power plant
Rosie 2007 July in Marsh Harbor port
- From Nassau, Bahamas, April 2011
- 2011, abaco, bahamas
- 2011, abaco
- Rescued him from dump on San Salvador island.
- Marsh Harbour, Abaco 2003
- Marsh Harbour Abaco in 2004
- April 2001- Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas
- Sept 2011 Provo, Turks & Caicos
- The potcake place rescue
- Harbour Island, January 2008
- She was the mom of a litter I fostered in September
- 2001
- January 2010, Atlanta, Royal Potcake Rescue
- Treasure Cay Bahamas
- November 21st 2009 at the Bahamas humane society in Nassau Bahamas. She was about 8 weeks old
- Ziggy is from Abaco and we adopted her in December 2009
- Nassau Bahamas September 2011
- I live in TCI and rescued them all myself here
- ARKWILD/WHOA Rescue, Marsh Harbor, Abaco, Bahamas, May 25, 2005
- Turks and Caicos Islands, 2005 and 2006
- July 2011, Turks and Caicos
- Turks and caicos
- Turks and Caicos, Jan 2010
- April 1, 2010 Eleuthera, Bahamas - he cme from the Ten Bay area of Eleuthera
- October 11, 2009
- April 1, 2010 - Eleuthera, Bahamas
- San Salvador, Bahamas in 2007
- 2008 Turks and Caicos
- Great Exuma - January 2010
- June 2010,
Grand Bahama Humane Society
- Great Exuma, Bahamas, April 2006
- from the Humane Sociey on Grand Bahamas, 5 or 6 years ago
- Human Society of Grand Bahama
- 2005 Grand Bahama Humane Society
- Grand Bahama Humane Society in 2008
- Grand Bahama Humane Society 2008
- Grand Bahama Humane Society
- 12 years ago from the Grand Bahama Humane Society
- Abaco, Bahamas 2004
- The humane society in july 2009.
- November 2010 - Humane Society Grand Bahama
- Humane Society of Grand Bahama
Freeport, Bahamas 2009
- Oct. 2011 HSGB
- 2009 from the grand Bahamas island humane society.
- Grand Bahamas, march 2010. While on vacation
- October 2000, Freeport, Bahamas.
- Provodenciales, Turks & Caicos, April 2011
- 2007/animal alliance, belle mead,nj
- Provideciales. Rescued from Mini golf course by friend, she was six weeks old. In 2006
- santana 4yrs ago from bahamas exuma and dakota 1yrs old from bahamas exuma
- PROVO/2007
- 2007 found at a shelter in nj. Rbari.
- Nov. 2011, at Potcake Place, Grace Bay, while visiting Turks and Caicos on holiday. thanks to Grace Bay Hotel owner Laurie Cossar who was babysitting him, and introduced us to the magic of the potcakes. We had no defences - he was just too adorable.
- September 2011 - Turks and Caicos
- August 2011, from a rescue group in the Bahamas
- December 2010, from Potcake Place on Turks and Caicos
- 28 July 2011 at The Potcake Place, Turks & Caicos
- Turks and caicos 2008
- Turks was adopted to a family in Pittsburgh, but that home wasn't working out due to a conflict with the resident dog. Jane hooked us up and we met up with them to bring Turks to South Carolina
- October, 2010 from Potcake Place.
- October 4, 2010. She was brought by courier to Keene, NH, via Boston's Logan airport
- 3 years ago from the Bide-a-Wee. He came from the Humane Society of the Grand Bahamas through Rolling Rescue.
- Potcake Place, Provo, August 2011
- December 2010. Treasure Coast Humane Society, Palm City, FL
- Feb 20, 2008. Provo, Turks & Caicos
- Provo, tci
- March 2009 from the Caicos Islands. She was brought to Canada at approximately 4 months old.
- April 2011 from the Bahamas
- July 2011 - Philadelphia Airport
- From Save-A-Pet Animal Rescue, Port Jefferson Station Long Island, New York. She is originally from Humane Society of Grand Bahama.
- September 2011
- March 2009 from Humane Society of Grand Bahama
- January 10, 2008
Petsmart in Tucker, GA
- Eleuthera, August 2011
- Provo/Potcake Place in March of 2011
- June 2010, Providenciales
- Picked up in NYC at the airport. She is from Potcake Place Rescue in Turks & Caicos.
- May 2010, from Nassau Bahamas
- july 2010, potcake place, turks and caicos
- Tcspca April 2008
- Isak - TSCPCA Oct. 2005
Ima - Potcake Place Sept. 2011
- Bahamas
- George Town, Exuma, Bahamas
- August 2007, Turks and Caicos (Provo)
- George Town, Exuma
- We have been his family for almost 2 months - he came to us through a foster mom Luann Udell.
- Adopted in New Hampshire April 2011, from the Turks and Caicos
- TCSPCA.Provodenciales. 11/2010
- Turk- June 2007; Caico July 2011 - both from Potcake Place
- Summer 2008 from
- Turks & Caicos
- June 2011 from Colleen's Fund for Animals in R.I. (formerly known as Serena, came from the TCSPCA)
- Nov 2010 t&c
- potcake place
- August 2011 eleuthera
- March 2011 at Petsmart
- Nassau, The Bahamas,August, 2005
- We got him from the Bahamas Humane Society in Nassau, Bahamas. October 12, 2011
- Feb. 2011 in Provo
- June 16, 2011 from a local couple who adopted him in Provo, TCI.
- January 29, 2011 Provo TCI
- Turks and Caicos Island
- Almost two years ago from a Bahamas Potcake rescue
- Exuma, 2005
- December 7 2011, St. Catharines
- I adopted her from Potcake Place over the internet in April of 2011.
- 2 years ago. Turks & Caicos Islands
- Found her as a pup on Grand Bahama Island in March 2008.
- 2002 in Sandy Point, Abaco, Bahamas
- 2005 on Exuma
- November 2010 from Royal Potcake Rescue. He was found on Carter's cay.
- There years Grand Cay Bahamas
- November 2005, from Royal Potcake Rescue
- Three years Grand Cay
- 7 years ago. Marsh Harbour Abaco dump.
- February 2011
- 2001, Abaco
- November 2010, Bahamas humane society.
- January 2010, picked up to foster from the SPCA. We were foster failures. She was originally from potcake place.
- April 17, 2009
- Philadelphia, PA
- Turks and Caicos in April 2010
- Sept- potcake place
- Exuma, Bahamas
- December 2008, adopted thru the website & picked him up from the foster mom.
- 2003 - West End, Grand Bahama
- 2 years ago, on the Treasure Cay road
- March 2009
- Chutney: a year ago in the Abacos; Sookijane and Zuma, three years ago in Nassau.
- Turks and Caicos July 2011
- Bahamas Humane Society to Toronto, June 29/2011
- 2009 tucker petsmart from potcakes rescue
- August 2010
- Altanta, GA. Through Royal Potcake Rescue
- July 11,2011, potcake place, t&c
- April 3, 2011- Potcake Place
- Potcake Place approx 2 yrs ago
- October 2011 Little Traverse Bay Humane Society
- Turks and Caicos
- July 2009 in Nassau, Bahamas
- Thanksgiving weekend 2010
- 12/12 Palm City,FL
- On trip to Turks & Caicos
- A rescue from a failed adoption by another potcake rescue volunteer in Boston.
- July 2011 from Potcake Place, Turks and Caicos
- 2010, He adopted us when he came into our Yard In Treasure Cay Abaco.
- inherited of a friend leaving the island
- from potcake place after fostering him
- Andros Island, Bahamas, 2010
- 2008 Marsh Harbor, Abaco, Bahamas
- a friend
- abacco, bahamas
- Feb 2012, brought to us from Bahamas, managed by Jill Gandza
- Turks and Caicos - August 2012
- Turks and Caicos (Potcake Place), April 2012
- Nassau, BahamasMarch 2011
- Provo June 2011 turks and caicos. Found on remote stretch of grace bay
- He ran away from his original rescuer, and wound up here. Finally, they let him stay with me.
- Nassau Bahamas
- Turks and Caicos. Brought him home March 23, 2013
- Outpwas Dec 2012 Humane Society of Grand Bahama via Evergreen Animal Protection League
- San Salvador, Bahamas Feb 2009
- Bahamas in March 2013
- June 1 2013 from Canadian Royal Potcake Rescue- Ontario, Canada
- Potcake Place Rescue Turks and Caicos
- Turks and Caicos
- Potcake rescue at Petsmart, Northlake Plaza, Atlanta GA
- Turks and Caicos
- Max was from the Royal Canadian Potcake rescue, we adopted him from Ajax Petcare in March of 2012.
- Dexter came from the Bahamas. We got him from a foster home in Kitchener. We have had him since April 13 2013
- March 2013 from Potcake Place Rescue one of the Chip on the Shoulder 5 litter
- I got her in October 2010, she was born in july of that year and she came from Turks and Caicos
- Turks and Caicos on March 15, 2013
- Jill, Greg and Ron Gandza rescued him fromExumas and brought him to St.Catharines,OnCanada
- From Bahamas Humane Society April 2011
- Nassau oct 2012
- In January 2012, through Petfinder. The rescue organisation was Canadian Royal Potcake Rescue.
- May 4, 2012 from Potcake Place
- March 16th 2013 bahamas
- March 16, 2013 from the Royal Canadian Potcake organization in Wasaga Beach, Ontario
- June 18, 2012 Potcake Place TCI
- August 2009 - Providenciales, TCI
- August 2011 Potcake Place Provo TCI
- Turks
- Feb 2008. Veterinarian in Indiana.
- February 2013 from Canadian Royal Potcake Rescue
- Jan-12
- Outpaws rescue - march 2013
- Apr 9, 2013,
- November 2010, Potcake
- Turks & Caicos, 2009
- Provo Turks and Caicos Island
- Potcake Place T and C
- September 2007 - Potcake Place, Turks and Caicos
- August 26, 2010. Treasure Cay, Abaco
- Feb 2013, was flown in from Nassau
- Marsh Harbour- but she was born in Treasure Cay
- We got her 2 days before Christmas in 2012.She had been brought to Colorado 6 weeks earlier from the SPCA in Nassau.
- 2 weeks ago from Eleuthera
- Providenciales, June 2012
- 2007 - Potcake Place, Provodencials, Turks and Caicos
- September 2012 in Providenciales
- Jan-11
- Exuma, Bahamas in October 2012
- January 2011, Petsmart in Lake Park, FL (Palm Beach County). He was 8 weeks old, his litter was rescued from Abaco.
- 2008
- april 2012 - rescue - Bahamas
- Turks and Caicos 8/12
- Marsh Harbour , Bahamas ( We have had Annie 5 years, she was living under our home in Marsh Harbour)
- March 2012, Grand Turk SPCA
- potcake place Jane brought me Molly!
- Nsal
- August 2012. Boston ma
- May 2011, potcake rescue Turks and Caicos
- ARKWILD/WHOA Rescue, Marsh Harbor, Abaco, Bahamas, May 25, 2005
- July 2012 Turks and Caicos
- 2004
- 2003 Nassau...adopted from Animal House/Lynn Grattan on Village Rd.
- She was found in the bush by Yamacraw Beach when she was 8 months old. I found out no owners claimed her so adopted.
- About 6 years ago. Running in and out of traffic along the waterfront.
- Island veterinary clinic. They were going to put him to sleep.About 8 years ago.
- April, 2013 in Denver, CO
- From Humane Society Grand Bahamas, Nov 2012
- July 2013; Outpaws Rescue
- Foster from Bahamas
- November 9, 2013..Outpaws
- November 2007 at Boston Logan International Airport (pick up from Turks and Caicos)
- December 2012 in Turks and Caicos
- May 2007 in Turks and Caicos
- 2000. Turks and Caicos
- September 2013.-she was shipped from Nassau to Florida , where I picked her up
- April 2011, Potcake place, Turks and Caicos
- Jul-07
- Little Traverse Bay Humane Society (Nirthern Michigan) October 2011
- Grand Cay in August of 2012
- Feb 2012 Turks & CaicosPotcake Place
- Via Potcake Place, from the Kent Animal Shelter, Calverton, Long Island.
- Potcake Place TCI - February 2011
- Provo, TCI in December 2012
- Pot cake place
- Turks and Caicos
- Nassau, June 2012
- Claire in 2007 Will in 5/2014
- Feb 2014, Turks and Caicos Potcake Place
- 2010 a from potcake place
- Turks and Caicos, August 2008.
- From a local shelter & we got her in 2005.
- July, 2013, tampa SPCA , florida
- Turks and Caicos 4/5/2014
- May 11, 2014Operation Paws for Homes, Alexandria VA
- Providenciales, Turks and Caicos 2006
- Turks and Cacaos. She flew into Atlanta. And we met people in Lake City,Fl to pick her up. Was told around 4 months old. Turns out to be 5 to 6 months old. 03/03/2012
- March 2014 Bahamas
- Grand Bahama Feb. 2010 (by Plane)
- Nov. 2014 on our Honeymoon in Turks & Caicos
- June 15, 2013 at a local pet fair St. Joseph's College in Patchogue, NY. We adopted him from the Animal Rescue Fund of East Hampton.
- Couriers brought pup to airport from TCI seven years ago.
- January 2014Exuma
- 10/29/2013 picked up in nassau
- Front range Germany Shepard rescue in colorado. Summer 2013
- Mar-13
- May 22 2008 by courier at phila airport
- Canadian royal potcake rescue
- May19, 2013Bimini, Bahamas
- Turks and Caicos in Feb 2004.
- We rescued her from a side road near Turtle Cove Marina, Provo on March 28th, 2014. We had her flown back to Chicago a week and a half later.
- Potcake Place-Turks and Caicos. September 2013
- Potcake place. Turks and Caicos. Feb 13, 2014
- March 2012. We got her at a doggie daycare that takes in potcakes from the Canadian Royal potcake rescue
- February 2014 / Potcake Place
- Arrived to NY from Turks & Caicos the week of Thanksgiving November 25 2013
- Colorado animal welfare league sept 2012
- November 2012 Turks and Caicos
- February 2014 Turks and Caicos pot cake place
- March 2013 from Alexandra Morgan's rescue in Warren RI/March 2014 shipped to Laguardia from "the voiceless dogs of Nasssau"
- September 11th, 2013 - Providenciales, Turks and Caicos
- 2001 - All Paws Rescue
- May 2014 in Boynton Beach,FL
- june 2012, she was flown up from the Turks and Caicos to Boston
- April 2014 from Eleventh Hour Rescue in Rickaway, NJ. He was originally from Royal Pitcske Rescue in Georgia where he spent four months after coming from Abacos Island as a puppy.
- August 2014 Turks and Caicos The Potcake Place.
- April 2014 - Nassau Bahamas
- Turks and Caicos Island
- Humane Society of Grand Bahama March 2014
- Grand Bahamas
- South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands 2013
- Feb 2014 Potcake Place, Grace Bay, Turks and C
- July 2014. We adopted her from a rescue organization in Eleuthera Bahamas
- Weston Animal Hospital in Weston (Fort Lauderdale), FLDec. 2013
- Potcake Place TCI April/May 2013
- 2006 as a puppy on bilney lane, under a car in Nassau
- Turks and Caicos, February 2012
- January 2014 Turks & Caicos Potcake Place
- August 2013 TCSPCA Turks and Caicos
- Turks & Caicos Potcake Place K9 Rescue
- 2013Yogi is from the humane society of grand Bahama
- June 1, 2012 Courriered to Columbus, OH USA from Turks & Caicos
- 2014Humane society of grand Bahamas
- Oct 2007 from the TCSPCA in the Turks and Caicos Islands
- March 2014 from Turks And Caicos
- June 2012 Bahamas Palm shores Abaco
- 9/26/13, Potcake Place, Turks & Caicos
- September 2014, Ontario, CanadaShe came from Dominican Republic though (not Bahamas, nor T&C)
- 2012, Royal Potcake Rescue adoption event in Atlanta GA
- Marsh Harbour - Pops Shelter - Olivia Key - Royal Potcake Rescue - March 2nd/3rd 2013
- October 31, 2012 Humane Society of the Treasure Coast
- August 2014 from Outpaws Rescue in Colorado
- Jun-13
- 12/7/2012 from the Humane Society of Grand Bahama via a Colorado rescue
- August 2014, from street souls dog rescue
- July 2013 from a rescue
- March 2014/ Bahamas eleuthra
- 2012 - Miami (originally from Blowing Rocks, Abaco)
- december 2013Potcake place turks and Caicos
- from an animal shelter in Ny they said he came from the caicos islands
- June 23, 2014 from Potcake Place, Turks and Caicos
- Marsh Harbour, Abaco- June 2013
- 10/26/2014
- Royal potcake rescue Atlsnta
- Turks, April 2007
- November, 2013 from a rescue in Ontario
- 2 years ago. She was a rescue.
- March 2014, adopted from Royal Potcake Rescue
- Bahamas
- Bimini, Bahamas 1998
- June 2010; rock sound, eleuthera
- 2012, Nassau
- 2009 rock sound eluthera
- September 2013 in Rhode Island
- 2011. Treasure Cay Abaco
- Turks and Caicos November 2013
- 11/2006 from Jane with Potcake Place
- April 2010 Turks and Caicos
- Abaco, Bahamas (Marsh Harbour) June 2013
- December 2013, Turks and Caicos
- April 2014, "foster failure" from Humane Society of Grand Bahamas through Colorado Animal Welfare League
- March 2009 - North Shore Animal League - NY
- December 2012. Justin Bartlet Animal Rescue. Born Hopetown
- Turks and Caicos adoption center
- march 2013 - Potcake place - providencialis - Turks & Caicos
- Potcake Place, Grace Bay, Turks & Caicos
- June 12, 2013 I adopted her from Grand Bahama Island
- October 2006. He came from Provenciales, Turks Caicos
- Bideawee in NYC originally from shelter in Freeport, Bahamas
- Turks and Caicos - Potcake Place
- April 2014 Abaco Bahamas
- Rescue. (Originally from the Caicos)
- October 2014 - she was couriered to Toronto by a volunteer from Potcake Place rescue on Provo, TCI
- Sept. of 2013. She was a orphan at 3 weeks old on the island of Eleuthera. We flew from Chicago to Ft. Lauderdale to pick her up after a volunteer brought her over from Nassau.
- December 2011Humane Society of the Grand Bahamas
- 10/02/2014, Boston, MA from Turks and Caicos
- March 2014 - he came from Grand Bahamas Humane Society
- Jan-14
- She was picked up during a spay/neuter clinic on Marsh Harbour in April 2014, I got - her in June.
- Jan. 2014, potcake place providenciales
- He's from the Bahamas, we got him when he was approx 3 months old, in August of 2013
- Dec-07
- Dec-07
- Adopted 2006, from HSGB
- 2007 Nov. HSGB
- April 2010~Royal Potcake Rescue USA Atlanta
- 2009 HSGB
- Eleuthera bahama, July 2013
- Eleuthera, August 2011
- Aug-14
- Bahamas
- Freckles DEC 14 of 2013 from Second Chance Rescue via the Bahamas. The other 3 in Nov. 2014 direct from Nassau.
- Feb 8th 2009
- 12/21/13 - Isla Animal Rescue
- I got him through Royal Potcakes in Atlanta. He is 3 now got him at 6 months.He is my second potcake.
- June 2014, Potcake Place, Turks and Caicos
- From the Colorado Animal Welfare League on Dec 2, 2014
- September 2006, Humane Society Freeport
- August 2014, great Exuma, Bahamas. She was 3 months old.
- Royal potcake rescue
- March 2014, Abaco, Bahamas
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